Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Kyla's birth story

Here's a quick slideshow I made from the day of Kyla's birth. I prefer the look of film for really emotional times so I'm super happy with how this all came out as the prints are stunning and it shows an amazing day in our lives. Sorry, I had to put down the camera for the super hard contractions :)


jason groupp said...

beautiful Colin. Thanks for sharing those.

LuckyRedHen said...

Holy smokes, your wife is a hot momma (she looks INCREDIBLE in these shots)! I'm sure she'll argue that she isn't (we all do at that point), but you tell her LUCKY SAID SO!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the slideshow colin she is beautiful. Hope you all are doing well.

forevermoores said...

LOVE IT, SO NEAT! give Steph a BIG hug for me!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Colin,

Amazing slideshow - I wish I could come down and meet Kyla (and you all again!).

Anonymous said...

great slideshow. she looks beautiful. so precious.