Monday, August 07, 2006

UC Davis with Clint and Jen

I rarely do morning shoots (if you have ever been around me before my coffee you know why!), but Clint and Jen are really good people so I decided to drive out to UC Davis campus for an e-shoot. I am so glad I did! Not only were Clint and Jen absolutely awesome to work with, but there are some really interesting buildings out there. There was this one faculty office building nicknamed the "Death Star" that Jen suggested brining food and water for. I thought maybe she was exaggerating a bit until I was so lost I couldn't even tell which way would get me out! I think the whole building was some mean professor's idea of a way to keep freshmen intimidated :)
Seriously though, Clint and Jen were great and their hard work really shows in the images we were able to get. I am really looking forward to shooting their wedding in September in Paso for Studio 101 West.

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